For the health and wellbeing of people, everywhere.

We advise how to collect and normalise Health and Social Care data for, Real Time Direct Care of patients, Population Health Management, Real World Research Data and planning.

Our purpose is to provide strategic advice and leadership on how to collect this data from conception of life, all the way through to end of care needs. To make this information available to the people who provide care, research and run our health care systems.

We have the scale and capability to provide this for entire country populations.

Thirty percent of the planet’s data is generated in health and care systems, and within the NHS that sea of data is doubling every 90 days. But a lot of this data is dirty: it’s collected over decades in multiple formats, from hundreds of points across different systems, creating inconsistencies in information. It is increasing in volume but adding less value.

At Temple Black, we help to nurture this data. Through our partners, who securely collect, cleanse, protect and present data using the most advanced analytical and machine learning techniques to deliver immediate information for the most impactful decision-making.

We understand that connecting healthcare’s disparate data oceans and flushing out inaccuracies can be the difference between life and death. We can link vast unconnected databases for causes and effects and have already prevented adverse outcomes in thousands of patients by securely predict, anticipate and inform the health needs of more than 7 million people in London, dealing with over 30 million records, over 400 billion transactions through a rolling year of system running 24/7 mission critical.

Today Temple Black is building a consortia of Health Tech and Data companies to provide off the shelf, validated, regulated solutions at best value to patients, the NHS and the British people who care for our loved ones.


Collect & cleanse

Health and care professionals are constantly grappling with data, often from hundreds of disparate IT systems. They waste their limited, valuable time trying to connect and make sense of it, to ensure any lack of clarity doesn’t result in serious consequences.

At Temple Black, we know this must change. Our cutting-edge solution collects data — of any size, or type — from multiple systems, in multiple formats. Then, using standards such as FHIR and Snomed-CT, we apply our sophisticated normalisation and linking techniques, to create the clearest, cleanest intelligent information, ready to use on the frontline of care and beyond.

We remove uncertainty in diagnosis, planning and treatment, providing clarity and certainty beyond comprehension.



Secure & scale

We believe that data belongs to the people, which is why we’re committed to upholding the highest privacy, ethics and security standards across all of our services.

Our aim is to empower healthcare professionals with the ability to make use of information at critical times, without having to worry about patient confidentiality or security, allowing them to focus solely on delivering high-quality patient care.

At the same time, in an environment where a split second can be the difference between life and death, we recognise that health and care professionals have fast, easy access to the data they need, exactly when they need it. Our solution ensures just that.

Insights & impact

Another priority for Temple Black is to offer insight into patient and population care, both now and in the future. Our solution focuses on prevention and improving the ways in which systems can support the delivery of care. 

Working together, we apply knowledge, algorithms, machine learning and AI, to align need with effective intervention, creating insights that generate real impact.

As a result, our technology enables health and care professionals with the ability to redesign their services, to reduce the episodic nature of their workloads, and take a more proactive approach in the delivery of improvements to health and well-being.
